
Paragon both fully understand and charge clients for the cost of warehousing activities, to boost profitability

By John Callender, Owner of GreenSkye

Paragon Communications Ltd has grown rapidly through acquisition to become the dominant supplier of printed material in the UK. The core activity of the operation is printing and mailing, with the warehousing operation as an ancillary function in support.

Paragon Communications Ltd has grown rapidly through acquisition to become the dominant supplier of printed material in the UK.

GreenSkye were appointed to:-

  1. Map out the warehousing capacity and understand the operational costs
  2. Observe operations in multiple sites to assess maturity of operations
  3. Develop a plan to:-
    • Build warehousing costs into contracts and manage stock within network capacity
    • Improve warehouse productivity through both specialist managerial support for Site Directors, and implementing a Continuous Improvement plan
    • Introduce self-serve reports to support client teams in managing contracts and stock
    • Optimise current system capability
    • Simplify and improve stock management to reduce working capital and end to end cost to serve
  4. Build a benefits case to be tasked into annual budgets and recommend how the programme should be resourced and governed
  5. Engage teams and support with implementation where appropriate